Llueve en la Ciudad.

Dawn rises but fails to clear the darkness away from this city
Grey skyscrapers and taunted dreams spark a sense of pity
Staring across to my fellow man I notice your clear despair
I too feel the numbness of those around us who dare to care
Loud noises and bright screen promote those you call benighted
Sunken eyes populate desolate faces that no spark has ignited
Life is one of progress with a monetary undertone that is crucial
Seeking a meaning to life rather than a life of meaning is ontological
Lonely in a city of millions I hope there is a mate for this single soul
The grind of a bursting metropolis void of truth has taken its toll


As the sun sets on my day I begin to ponder
Does distance make the heart grow fonder
Memories of what made you unique dissipate
Scattered brain for the legacy we dared to create
Nostalgia has surely began to blur our shortcomings
To be as happy as I recall our end was unbecoming
As the sun rises on another day I begin to doubt
That for a future together I am left without clout